Saturday, October 3, 2015

In the Face of Fear

This past week, the topics of fear, courage, and love have been swirling around in my mind, and all of this prior to the recent Oregon School Shooting.

I've read Facebook statuses of friends and acquaintances shaken by daily headlines of ISIS, Planned Parenthood, and Shooting rampages that have become all too common; and I've felt the fear myself of raising my children in a world filled with so much pain.  Amongst all of this I've come to notice a familiar reaction, which is turn our eyes away, cover our ears, and bury our head in the sand...a conscience choice to "live in a bubble" so-to-speak.

I can totally understand why we choose to react this way because I think I'm guilty of it in my own way too.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type to hit the "x" button on any link to negative news, in fact, sadly, I think I'm quicker to get all of the facts that I can; however, the bubble I live in is still very much present and accounted for.  This "bubble" I'm referring to exists in my heart; it's in the way that I tiptoe around controversial topics by pausing over that "like" or "share" button instead of clicking it because I'm more afraid of what other's might think of me than of being real and true to my own convictions; it's in the way that I backspace those Tweets or Blogg's that weigh heavy on my heart because I may receive angry judgement or be misunderstood; it's in the way that I don't speak those caring words of concern and sometimes hard questions to those closest to me because it's easier to just appease them; and it's in the way that I don't pursue my passions because I don't want to risk failing.

Although not anywhere near comparable to the fear of losing one's life, these things are all still bubbles, and they all amount to nothing more than living a life filled with fear.  You see, this fear on a large scale still affects us.  Oh we may think that we're immune to it's crippling affects, but every time we find ourselves living in one of these bubbles we are in fact, allowing that fear to seep into our hearts.

So what do we do in the face of all of this fear?  I believe, no, rather, I know with all of my heart, that the answer lies in this, "love".  Love, real love, doesn't fear; real love lays it all on the line courageously because it does not depend on the other person's response or their reciprocation; it gives without any expectation of anything in return.  That kind of love enables us to be brave, to be true to our convictions, to embrace our dreams.  It's love that causes us to come running out from retreat to face the injustices surrounding us, to stop the cycles of hurt by forgiving the unforgivable, and to not be silenced by the screaming voices of control and hate that masquerade as bold and courageous but are at their core filled with the very fear they promote.  Courage does not come in the loud, controlling, dominating voice; courage comes in the still, strong confidence of love.

The voice of fear may be loud; but it can not, and will not ever, overpower love.  Love is stronger every time, love never fails.  So today, in honour of the lives that have been lost at Umpqua Community College, let's step out of our bubbles and allow love to be our stepping stone to courageously face whatever obstacle of fear we are facing today.  It may seem like a very insignificant act in the big picture, but it is these very insignificant acts, when in great numbers, which make very significant impacts in our lives and in the lives of those around us.  

Keep moving forward friends, 

Love Crystal

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